Kubectl Tip: Verify Service Account Permissions With can-i

Bibin Wilson
DevOps Learners
Published in
Jun 16, 2021


kubectl command tip to check service account access

Does my Kubernetes service account have delete permissions? πŸ€”

Here is a simple method to validate if a kubernetes service account has specific permission.

Let's say, delete pods, list namespaces, delete deployments, etc.

With the kubectlcan-i flag, you can check for allowed access for a service account.

For example, if you want to check if the service account (api-service-account) in the devops-tools namespace has access to delete deployments, here is what you can do.

kubectl auth can-i delete deployments --as=system:serviceaccount:devops-tools:api-service-account

The output is either yes or no.

βœ… Yes -> service account has permissions

❌ No -> It doesn't

